“Most NCR hospitals at a critical stage,” “Mindanao hospitals run out of COVID-19 beds,” “Patients treated in vehicles as hospitals are now full; other facilities also reach full capacity.” 

These are the looming scenarios we hear on the news every day. With the highest daily COVID-19 infection recorded by authorities, aggravated by lack of resources and fundings, hospitals are pushed to ask patients to seek healthcare services elsewhere.

On the lighter side, most of these recorded cases are asymptomatic, or patients with mild symptoms typically last about 7-10 days. It includes:

  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Dry cough
  • Mild fever
  • May lose a sense of smell or taste
  • Tiredness, muscle aches, or a headache
  • Sore throat or runny nose in some cases

While a COVID-probable person might not get medical service in healthcare facilities, the World Health Organization (WHO) released interim guidance including home-based care of patients with mild or moderate COVID-19.

Here are some ways to care for someone at home or in a non-healthcare setting.

Talk to a doctor thru teleconsultation or home-service consult.

If one or more of the COVID-19 symptoms are present, it is advised to book a consultation with a physician immediately. The good thing is local government units have health offices that provide free teleconsultations and swab tests. Some private clinics are also offering home-service consultations so you can be attended at home. Talking to a healthcare person gives you the proper ways to manage your symptoms effectively.

Treating Mild COVID-19 Cases at Home

Take your medicines and vitamins as prescribed.

After a consultation, your doctor will give you prescription medicines to treat your COVID-19 symptoms. Your doctor will also provide you with a list of supplements you can take to support your immune system.

One medicine your doctor will probably prescribe you is the Erdosteine Ectrin. It is a mucolytic that is indicated for the treatment of both acute and chronic bronchitis. In the latest Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine 2020 Journal, Professor Pierachille Santus authored a study that resulted in an overall improvement in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) amongst hospitalized patients with Covid-19 related pneumonia and severe respiratory failure, with the addition of erdosteine to usual therapy. 

As the positive demand for this medication arises, Orient EuroPharma Philippines answered this call. They donated Erdosteine Ectrin medicines to treat 500 post-covid patients Veterans Memorial Medical Center and Quirino Memorial Medical Center–the government COVID centers in Metro Manila. It is in OEPP’s fulfillment of its mission in helping the country and supporting the Filipino patients who are suffering from this deadly disease.

Have a separate room in your house.

COVID patients undergo a 14-day quarantine. So, it is a must to give the patient an isolated room for treatment. The room must be well-ventilated and equipped with groceries and basic medical equipment such as a thermometer, oximeter, alcohol, and facemask. If possible, provide the patient a separate bathroom. If a second bathroom is not feasible, disinfect the bathroom for every use.

Keep yourself hydrated and well-rested.

On top of the medications, COVID patients must drink a lot of water and get enough rest to help their bodies recover quickly. Provide them a supply of clean drinking water in their isolation room for easy access.

Practice hygiene and proper waste management at home.

Regular cleaning of the house is a must. Disinfect every table, doorknobs, floor, and every surface of the house with disinfectants or 70% alcohol. Handwashing and wearing of face masks must be practiced regularly as well. Waste from the COVID patients must be disinfected and wrapped securely before disposal.

Maintain emotional support from loved ones.

Reading a ‘positive’ note on your result is stressful. Isolating is worse. Therefore, it is advised to maintain emotional support from friends and family to lessen the patient’s emotional stress. While you can’t physically comfort them, social media and video calls can be a helpful way to communicate your comfort and care. Entertainment media can also cope with their boredom.

Monitor the condition regularly.

Lastly is to monitor the patient’s condition regularly. Have their doctor’s contact number on hand and seek emergency care if experiencing a worsening condition such as trouble breathing, pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to stay awake, and blue-colored skin, lips, or nails.
For COVID-related prescription medicines, nutricare, and other health breakthroughs, visit Orient EuroPharma Philippines at https://www.oepgroup.com.

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