Female Leaders Give Opposing Opinions on Issues Faced by Women in Web3
Filipino-led edutech platform Bitskwela hosted its premiere Web3 debate, Bull or Bear, at the Philippine Blockchain Week 2023
PH edutech firm Bitskwela to hold debate over NFTs and Fine Arts
Bitskwela announced that it will hold a debate over controversies swirling around the traditional and NFT (non-fungible tokens) realm, featuring top Filipino creatives and entrepreneurs on June 16, 2023, at the Imahica Art Gallery, Mandaluyong City.
Bitskwela gathers key leaders, influencers for online Web3 debate
Bitskwela is turning to Twitter Space to host the debate titled "The Limits of DYOR: A Debate on Web3 Influencers and Promotions.” The one-hour debate will begin at 7:00PM (PHT) on June 9, 2023.