As countries around the globe start to reopen and welcome the “new norm”, thousands of people, including pet owners, continue to struggle incorporate the new regulations to their pre-lockdown routine and lifestyle. Pet owners continue to have questions on how they can return to their routine or lifestyle prior to the lockdown without sacrificing their and their pets’ safety.
As a voice for responsible pet ownership, Pet Food Institute shares how pet owners can incorporate the new regulations in their and their pet’s daily routine.
Limit Movement and Maintain Physical Distance
To avoid serious health issues like diabetes and obesity, pets must be given daily exercise to ensure their overall wellbeing. But given the current situation, owners are challenged to balance their pet’s need for an active lifestyle while keeping them safe at home to prevent catching any illnesses. One way on how pet owners can ensure their pet’s health is by engaging their four-legged companions in active play despite being indoors. There are several games such as hide-and-seek, fetch, and indoor obstacle course that encourage pets to become active within the four corners of their home.
Meanwhile, some areas have started to ease the lockdown restrictions but that doesn’t mean that all things are back to normal. Pet owners may have more freedom to leave their homes and take their pets out for a walk, but always keep in mind the importance of maintaining a safe six-feet distance from other owners and pets. Avoid crowded areas or any place where people congregate to decrease the risk of being exposed. Always follow local laws and regulations regarding crowd size, social distancing, and mask use.
Wash Your Hands
There is no current evidence to suggest that pets play any significant role in the transmission of COVID-19. However, it’s always best to practice basic hygiene practices around animals and people. This includes washing your hands thoroughly throughout the day and before and after direct contact with your pets, their food or their supplies.
Pet Food Institute (PFI) is committed in educating pet owners about proper pet nutrition to keep pets healthy and happy. Through its local initiative, Well-Fed, Well-Nurtured campaign in partnership with the Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines (VPAP), PFI seeks to advocate responsible pet ownership to the ever-growing Filipino pet community.
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